Any health facility can be onboarded in eCollabDDS for availing or providing TeleRadiology service.The health facility needs to be first registered in eCollabDDS.
After successful registration and approval, the health facility nodal officer can login into eCollabDDS and work accordingly.
Add new Health Facility
Hospital Level*
Hospital Type*
Hospital Name *
Hospital name should have 3-70 characters and allowed special characters are ('.'and space)
Address *
Address should have 3-100 alphanumeric characters and allowed special characters are ('.',',', '-' and space)
[City should have 3-50 characters and allowed special characters are ('.' and space)]
[ 6 Digits]
Nodal Officer Details
[Used to login and configure client application parameters. Allows characters only [allowed special characters dot(.), @, underscore(_),dash(-)] and length 3 to 50]
Nodal Officer Name *
Allows characters, dot and space and length 3 - 70
Nodal Officer Email *
Nodal Officer Mobile *
[10 Digits]